Saturday, January 17, 2009

Prayer Requests

Please keep praying for good health. While our time here is winding down, James, Malerie, and Elyse are all still getting over sicknesses, and it will be difficult to start off the Spring semester well if they are still sick.

Pray for our time in Budapest on our way out, that it would be restful and that we will be able to process what God has done here in our time in Hungary, as well as just being able to enjoy spending time with each other.

Our biggest prayer request is for the Girl's Conference that is taking place right now at the Panzio where we have been staying both weeks. Pray that the Christian women from Miskolcs and Debrecen will feel empowered to lead during this time, and that God gives them a boldness and confidence to lead in the ministries they are in or are considring. Especially pray for the orphan girls that are attending the conference, that they would be open to God's love and to the messages that they will be hearing this weekend. Most of them have gone through horrible abuse and pain, so please pray for God to heal their hearts and minds.

Continue to pray for the Mikeperci children, that they will continue to process what they've heard at the Youth Groups they've been to about, and that they will continue to feel lead to attend on Fridays, and that they will be open to what God has to say to them. Also pray that young men and women in the Mikeperc will step up into translating and leading roles in the Youth Group.

- The Handful


  1. You are all in our constant prayers. Enjoy your time in beautiful Budapest.
    May God give you above and beyond what you could think to ask in strength and clarity.

    May the God who gives endurance and encouragement bless you and bring you home safely.

    Jan and Mike Brown

  2. Praying as you "finish this race". Confident that God is using you. Looking forward to your return. Trusting in God for you.

    Pamela Snyder
